


在此想和大家分享一个不错的编写properties文件的Eclipse插件(plugin),有了它我们在编辑一些简体中文、繁体中文等 Unicode文本时,就不必再使用native2ascii编码了。您可以通过Eclipse中的软件升级(Software Update)安装此插件,步骤如下:
1、展开Eclipse的Help菜单,将鼠标移到Software Update子项,在出现的子菜单中点击Find and Install;
2、在Install/Update对话框中选择Search for new features to install,点击Next;
3、在Install对话框中点击New Remote Site;
4、在New Update Site对话框的Name填入“PropEdit”或其它任意非空字符串,在URL中填入http://propedit.sourceforge.jp/eclipse/updates/;
5、在Site to include to search列表中,除上一步加入的site外的其它选项去掉,点击Finsih;
6、在弹出的Updates对话框中的Select the features to install列表中将所有结尾为“3.1.x”的选项去掉(适用于Eclipse 3.2版本的朋友);





  1. Please choose from the screen of Eclipse with "Help" ->"Software Updates" -> "Update Manager". An 'Update Manager' opens.
  2. In the "Feature Updates" view at the lower left of an 'Update Manager', please carry out the right click of the "Sites to Visit", and create a site bookmark by "New" -> "Site Bookmark...".
    - The bookmark to create should input the following "URL" and should push an "Finish" button.
    Name: Arbitrary input
    URL : http://propedit.sourceforge.jp/eclipse/updates/
    Bookmark type: Eclipse update site
  3. If a site bookmark is created, the bookmark created at the bottom of "Feature Updates" will appear.
    A click of "jp.gr.java_conf.ussiy.app.propedit.eclipse.feature.PropertiesEditorFeature x.x.x" displays a preview on a right window. Since the button "Install Now" is in around the lower right, please click.
  4. Since an installation wizard starts, please click a "Next" button rapidly.
  5. "You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. Would you like to restart now?" is displayed. Please reboot Eclipse according to a dialog.


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